Report a Vending Issue

Refund Request Process

Having trouble with your purchase? We're here to help! At Corridor Cards, customer satisfaction is our top priority. If you experienced any issues with our vending machines, please follow the process below for a prompt refund.

Automatic Credit Card Refunds

Our machines are equipped with drop sensors that automatically process refunds when products aren't properly dispensed during credit card transactions. These refunds are typically processed within 24-48 hours and will appear on your statement as a credit from Corridor Cards.

Cash Purchase Refunds

If you used cash and experienced any of these issues:

  • Product didn't dispense
  • Machine took more money than intended
  • Multiple charges for a single product
  • Any other vending malfunction

Please use our refund request form below. Our team reviews all requests within 24 hours.

Submit a Refund Request

To help us process your refund quickly, please have the following information ready:

  • Date and time of purchase
  • Machine location
  • Amount spent
  • Product attempted to purchase
  • Brief description of the issue
  • Your contact information
  • Method of refund preferred (cash, check, or electronic payment)

Refund Request Form

What Happens Next?

  1. Submit the form above with your information
  2. Receive a confirmation email with your request number
  3. Our team will review and contact you within 24 hours
  4. Once verified, your refund will be processed through your preferred method

We appreciate your business and will work to resolve any issues as quickly as possible!